What Causes Tooth Discoloration?
Ever look at a photo of yourself from only a few years ago and ask yourself, “Huh, were my teeth looked a bit brighter back then?” We definitely do. Coffee and red wine usually get the blame for teeth discoloration, but several other causes may be the culprit. Common Reasons for Tooth Discoloration •Spotty Dental […]
Choosing the Right Toothpaste
A lot of folks ask us what toothpaste we recommend. Our answer? Any fluoride toothpaste that will help you maintain a good oral health routine! We especially like Colgate Total and Arm and Hammer toothpaste products. We know you have a million and one choices facing you in the toothpaste aisle, and it can be […]
Summer Smiles: Tips To Keep Your Smile Bright After Whitening
Ah, summer… time for backyard barbecues, poolside parties, sunny vacations, and more! As you get your family ready for summer adventures, don’t forget to schedule a teeth whitening to get your summer smile ready for all of the photos you’re about to take during your travels and activities! While in-office whitening isn’t permanent, […]
Does Your Smile Really Reveal the REAL You?
Do any of these scenarios sound familiar to you? You’re at a family wedding and the photographer aims the lens at you. Panic sets in. You’re posing for a new professional headshot and you smile with a closed mouth, hoping it looks natural. You’re conversing with a new acquaintance and you suddenly feel self-conscious […]
Learn How to Flash a Picture-Perfect Smile for the Camera
When a special event is on the horizon, like a family vacation or a wedding, do you dread the camera? If you lack confidence in your smile, it could show in your photos. However, by following just a few easy tips, you can relax and learn to love your photos! Our Lynnwood dental team has […]
The 3-Step Formula to Conquer Your Dental Phobia
Phobia: (noun) A marked and persistent fear of a clearly defined object or situation. In this case, fear of dentistry and of receiving dental care. People may go through great lengths to avoid being confronted by their fears or phobias. It may be similar to post-traumatic stress caused by previous traumatic dental experiences. Sedation dentistry […]
Are Jeweled Teeth An Old Trend?
Who knew that our ancient ancestors started today’s trend of jeweled teeth way back in the day? I came across this article from a few years ago that says scientists have found 2500 year old skeletons in Mexico with “blinged out” teeth. Its amazing the skill ancient dentists had to be able to drill and […]