How to Know if You Have a Cavity
According to the National Institutes of Health, the most prevalent health condition after the common cold is tooth decay. It’s more than likely that if you haven’t already had a cavity, you will develop at least one in your lifetime. So, how do you know if you have a cavity? Well, depending on the severity […]
Flossing 101
Off all the things you can do to maintain a healthy mouth, flossing has got to be the least expensive! But many patients don’t take the time to floss. And if you do, you might not be doing it correctly! Welcome to Flossing 101… Why should you floss? Your toothbrush isn’t enough to brush away […]
Effects of Soda on Your Teeth
Ever seen those videos where someone puts a baby tooth in a glass of soda and watches it decay? Well, the effect of soda in an actual mouth is a bit different. You have your saliva to help wash away the sugar, you eat other things throughout the day, and brush at least twice a […]
Choosing the Right Toothpaste
A lot of folks ask us what toothpaste we recommend. Our answer? Any fluoride toothpaste that will help you maintain a good oral health routine! We know you have a million and one choices facing you in the toothpaste aisle, and it can be hard to figure out what’s best for you. There are toothpastes […]
Kicking the Tobacco Habit will Save Your Teeth
While the current percentage of Americans who smoke cigarettes is the lowest it’s been in decades, those who continue the habit remain at risk for heart and lung disease. Additionally, while we know smoking is also bad for our oral health, most don’t understand just how bad it is… More Than Just Stained Teeth From […]
Getting Your Mouth Ready for a Summer Vacation
Summer is about to burst onto the scene. And with it, your “free time” will turn to “busy time” as you plan, plan, plan for your relaxing summer vacation. So while you’re thinking about where you’ll go, where you’ll eat, and what you’ll see along the way, don’t forget to plan a visit to your […]
When Over-the-Counter Oral Care Treatments Might Not be Enough
Most of us are used to the idea of just popping into the local grocery store or pharmacy to replenish our usual brand of toothpaste, mouthwash and floss when we know we’re running low on supplies. But what if re-stocking that old familiar brand isn’t really helping you as much as when you were younger? […]
Benefit From Your Dental Insurance Benefits: Use Them, Don’t Lose Them!
Dental insurance benefits can be difficult to navigate. Co-pays, deductibles, limits… you might wonder, “What does it all mean? How can I maximize my benefits? Am I missing out on coverage?” Did you know most dental insurance benefits don’t roll over from year to year? If you don’t use them, you could lose them! Don’t […]
Energy Drinks and Your Child’s Teeth. Should You Worry?
The hard clack of cleats echo about as your “little” sports hero rushes to get out of the house … soon to be late for practice. Armed with all they’ll need for a day in the sun, their equipment bag is packed and slung awkwardly over one shoulder, bursting at the seams with untold numbers […]
7 Oral Health Concerns for Those Over 50
When they say “age is all in your head,” they’re probably right. But then, your teeth ARE in your head — so you likely can’t escape having to pay a little more attention to them after the age of 50. Although some oral health concerns are seen as common as we age, if you adopt […]